Thursday, September 2, 2010

People Will Love You and People Will Hate You

Here's a picture to exemplify our experience with Taka-san. Women over 40 need not view today's pictures. Make that... Women in general... There was a lot of... International learning...

So... I just typed everything I did today and as I was finishing, I selected all and deleted my entire day's worth of typing... About a 3 page paper worth of stuff. So, I will summarize today's most important events and explain to anybody that wants to hear about it at a later time.

Basically today was filled with touring Sensouji and Akihabara. A nice combination of technology and shrines, very beautiful.

More importantly, I learned a valuable lesson about racism, as well as kindness.

In senseouji, as we approached a shrine's staircase, a woman started speaking about us negatively in Japanese. We explored the area and when we walked back down the stairs, she was sitting and waited for me to reach her step and then threw out her right foot to trip me down the stairs. She failed. Next, fast forward to night time, we went to a hot spring and we were shunned away because the tenant accused us of being drunk so we couldn't go in. He seemed upset that we weren't Japanese and Frank (the only asian with us at the time) didn't speak Japanese. Our third encounter was with a German in our hostel who spoke to us only half heartedly later in the night when were were trying to make friends with our fellow hostel travelers. He apparently didn't realize that Americans understand English sarcasm... especially when you smurk and look 15 degrees away after you finish giving it.

Inversely, we met a wonderful Japanese man who spoke great English by the name of Taka-san. He took us out to his favorite bar in the area to meet some locals and explained to us the importance of Brazilian women in his life, as well as pretty much anything you could ever talk about surrounding Brazilian girls. He was really funny and truly a good friend to make in a town with virtually no night life.


  1. I want to be there when you and Lindsay talk about racism in Japan! I was pretty surprised by her stories too..

    I'm glad you found that nice man though! And I'm real glad you started this blog! :)

    Tell Travis and Garrett I said hi! Love you boys!

  2. Good thing that "lady" didn't trip you and your semi broken foot after all the ice we soaked it in. Remember to treat everyone kindly no matter what as it confuses them and they become unsure of what mean thing to do next. You just call me if I need to come over there and use my teacher voice! Glad you are having amazing life adventures.
