Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Arriving in Japan

I don't really have time to worry about grammar, spelling, or even the way that I write this so forgive anything I say that sounds dumb as hell.

Flying to Narita was shorter than I expected... I slept most of the way, waking up every once in a while to talk with Garrett or get some food/drinks.

When we arrived in Japan the customs guys didn't speak English so we got our first interaction with a non-English speaker. We (Garrett and I) left to the baggage claim where we found Travis really quickly and easily. After getting our stuff together we went to the train ticket area and tried to figure out where we were supposed to go. We looked just lost enough for some Japanese policemen to come over and help us. That was really nice of them. However, they didn't know which train to take either, so they basically were just chilling with us awkwardly for a second.

When we finally go to the train station we met Frank, our new travel buddy. Frank is a graduate student at Stanford touring Asia for the summer. We asked where he was going, "Asakusa," "Us too! Where there?" "K's House Hostel" "Us too!!" So we went together and checked into the hostel as a group; Frank in his room and us in another. Then we went out to familiarize ourselves with the area.

After that is more easily explained by this picture but lets just say that Japanese people won't look at you while doing... anything whatsoever in public.

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